
Products & services

Hilong Arctic Service Drill Pipe

Product Introduction 

Hilong arctic service drill pipe is a type of proprietary drill pipe with capability to perform in extreme cold regions. Service temperature - 60 ℃ and above.

Product Advantage

Compared to conventional API drill pipe, Hilong's proprietary Arctic Service Drill Pipe has a higher low temperature impact value and a lower brittleness transition temperature, resulting in better resistance to brittle fracture. Apparently, these arctic service products have better Fracture and fatigue resistance than normal API series if both of them are all used in room temperature, thus the service life could be improved evidently.

Product Specification

(a)Size Range: Including all API size from 2 3/8 to 6 5/8 inches;
(b)Steel Grade: HLDT-AS®75、HLDT-AS®95、HLDT-AS®105、HLDT-AS®135.

Product Performance

The mechanical requirements of different grades showed in the table, and the figures show the impact energy in different temperatures of HLDT-AS®135 drill pipe and the tool joint respectively:

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