

Hilong Oil Service successfully signs the first drilling turnkey contract in Iraq

Date 2022-03-01

(February 21, 2022, Shanghai) Recently, Hilong Oil Service & Engineering CO., Ltd("Hilong Oil Service") and Kuwait Energy Iraq Ltd. ("KE Iraq") signed a drilling turnkey project with a contract value of approximately USD 33.1 million. This is Hilong Oil Service’s first drilling turnkey project in Iraq. This project represents an advancement in Hilong Oil Service’s drilling turnkey services.

According to the contract, Hilong Iraq Oil Service will provide drilling turnkey services including drilling rigs, directional well services, mud services, and logging services for three oil wells.

Wang Xianglei, Vice President of Hilong Group and General Manager of Oil Service, said, "Successfully landing this bid for the drilling turnkey project is a major market breakthrough for Hilong Oil Service in the Iraqi market. It highlights the fact that the company’s technical services have been recognized by more customers.”

Hilong Oil Service entered the Iraqi market in 2011. It signed a technical service contract for oil and gas development with the Ministry of Oil (Iraq) and became an active operator in the Siba block. In 2019, it provided BP with workover rig technical services in Iraq. It went on to win high recognition from Party A for its superior service quality, efficient operation performance, and strict safety management.

KE Iraq, a subsidiary of United Energy Group, is mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration, development and production.


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