

Hilong Chosen as Shanghai Primary and Secondary Quality Education Social Practice Base

Date 2016-09-08

(September 8, 2016, Shanghai) Recently, Shanghai Hilong Petroleum Tubular Goods Research Institute of Hilong Group was successfully chosen as Shanghai Primary and Secondary Quality Education  Social Practice Base after the survey and review of a team of experts from such relevant government authorities as Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.


It is understood that, in March 2011, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (MOE) together with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ) jointly issued the Circular on Establishing Primary and Secondary Quality Education Social Practice Base and Carrying Out Quality Education Activities, whereby the primary and secondary quality education social practice base was established, relying on enterprises and quality inspection & testing institutions with close ties to primary and secondary education who excel in quality management and have a strong awareness of social responsibility.


Yuan Pengbin, Hilong Group’s Party Secretary and Chief Engineer, noted that Hilong would fully utilize the corporate technology teaching resources with product quality education as point of penetration, integrating theory with practice to impart quality knowledge, spread quality concept and inherit quality culture to a vast number of primary and secondary students. He also added that the Hilong Quality Education Social Practice Base would welcome its first batch of students in mid-September.

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