

Hilong Group Given the “Special Contribution Award” 2014 of Baoshan Industrial Park, Shanghai

Date 2015-03-13

(March 7th, 2015, Shanghai) Hilong Group, as the greatest tax contributor of Baoshan Industrial Park, has recently been given the “Special Contribution Award” 2014 of Baoshan Industrial Park, Shanghai. The award was conferred by Lei Shuguang (Fourth from the left), Director of Baoshan Industrial Park, Shanghai, and accepted by Wang Tao (Third from the left), Hilong Executive President, on behalf of the Group. Also present in the award ceremony were Yang Baokang (fifth from the left), Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Baoshan Industrial Park, Shanghai as well as the senior executives of the Group.

Wang Tao said in the award ceremony, “Being given such an award shows sufficiently that Hilong Group’s achievements in such respects as promoting the development of local economy, creating jobs, increasing fiscal income, and leading scientific and technical innovation have been highly recognized by the Shanghai local government; and at the same time, this highlights Hilong’s strong momentum in development and its industry-leading position.”


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