

Ethiopian Minister of Mining Visits Hilong

Date 2015-07-23

(July 23, 2015 SHANGHAI) -- On July 21, 2015, Mr. H.E. Tolesa Shagi, Minister of Mining of Ethiopia, accompanied by Mr. Yu Baodong, President of POLY-GCL Petroleum Group Holdings Limited, visited Hilong Oil Service and Engineering Co., Ltd.'s headquarters in Beijing and met with Mr. Wang Tao, Executive President of Hilong Group, and Mr. Dai Daliang, Senior Vice President of Hilong Group and General Manager of the Oil Service Business, as well as other managers of the Oil Service Business. They exchanged views on the upcoming POLY-GCL Ethiopian Petroleum exploration project.

Mr. H.E. Tolesa Shagi said that POLY-GCL Ethiopian Petroleum exploration project was Ethiopia's largest petroleum field investment project in the recent years. Therefore, the Ethiopian government attached great importance to this project and will offer policy support in all aspects with the hope that the three parties could strengthen communication and cooperation, and make contributions to the petroleum exploration and development in Ethiopia and boost Ethiopia's national economy.

As the project proprietor, Mr. Yu Baodong, Chairman of Board of Directors of POLY-GCL, thanked Hilong for its efficient organization and hard work in drilling rig preparation and mobilization. He said that he was glad to have Hilong, such a competitive drilling contractor, as their partner. He stressed that the project, as a part of the "One Belt And One Road" initiative, had the unstinting support from the Chinese government. He hoped that the two sides would work together to ensure the success of the project and their joint growth in the Ethiopia oil market.

Wang Tao, Executive President of Hilong Group, stated that Hilong, as a responsible international oil service company, had world-class drilling technology and rich experience in project management. He believes that, with the strong support from the Ethiopian government and close coordination with POLY-GCL, this project will definitely be a premium one.

In June, Hilong signed a two-year drilling service contract with POLY-GCL for the petroleum exploration project in Ethiopia.


Executive President of Hilong Group (Fifth to the right) with Managers of Hilong Oil Service and Minister of Mining of the Ethiopia (Fourth to the right), Chairman of Board of Directors of POLY-GCL (Third to the Right)
Team Photo at Hilong Oil Service and Engineering Co., Ltd.


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