

Hilong-27 3000HP HPHT Rig Spudded in

Date 2014-03-05

March 5th, 2014, Beijing——The Hilong-27 3000HP high pressure high temperature (HPHT) rig spudded in in Nigeria at 14:00 local time on February 27th.

As Hilong and China’s first 9,000-meter AC VF electric rig, Hilong-27 is also known as Shell’s first-ever hired HPHT ultra-deep onshore drilling rig in its worldwide drilling campaign. The 3000HP HPHT onshore drilling services provided by Hilong Oil Service are considered as ultra-deep drilling under extreme geological conditions, which places high requirements upon personnel qualification and equipment standards.

Hilong-27 assembly was completed on October 17th, 2013, left the Port of Tianjin on October 23rd and arrived at the Port of Onne, Nigeria on December 4th, 2013. After customs clearance on January 8th, 2014, the rig was safely land transported, rigged-up, function tested, and successfully passed SPDC and third-party inspections with a score of 92.

“This launch leads the way for HPHT drilling operations and can serve as a role model in our future endeavors,” said Dai Daliang, General Manager of Hilong Oil Service. “By virtue of strict management and safe and efficient operations,” he added, “we believe that Hilong-27 will certainly lay the foundation for building the Hilong brand and expanding Hilong Oil Service’s overseas market.”

The Hilong-27 kick-off ceremony was held on July 5th last year in Beijing.   The co-operation, with Shell and SPDC, reaffirms Hilong’s technical service capabilities as a competent international drilling contractor and helps Hilong further expand the Nigerian market and serve more clients in the coming years, said Dai.

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