
Products & services

Hilong Efficient Cuttings Bed Clean Drill Tool

Product Introduction 

Hilong Efficient Cuttings Bed Clean Drill Tool (HLECDT™) is proprietary product which designed specifically to improve hole-cleaning performance in horizontal or complex non-conventional wells. It includes Hilong Efficient Cutting Bed Clean Drill Pipe (HLECDP™) and Hilong Efficient Cutting Bed Clean Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HLECHWDP™). The upsets on their tube bodies have specially designed grooves. In these grooved sections the combination of rotational speed, flow rate and specially designed angles produce a number of mechanical and hydrodynamic effects that significantly improve hole-cleaning performance and greatly reduce the amount of non-productive time associated with a build-up of cuttings.

Product Advantage

·Cleaning efficiency improvement
 Reduce cuttings bed height at given Flow Rate from 30% to 50%.
Improve Erosion Bed rate at given RPM more than 40%.
· Rig time saving
 Circulating time to recover cuttings can be decreased by more than 50%.
Back reaming operations can be reduced or eliminated.
increase rate of penetration.
·Frictional loading improvement
 Torque & Drag loading can be decreased by 40%.
 Reduction in Pressure Losses up to 50%.
·Reduce downhole failure risk and eliminate differential sticking.

·Cut down on well bore damage and provide better weight on bit.

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