

Hilong Shenglong Inspection successfully wins bid for water cycle test platform project

Date 2022-07-17

(July 4, 2022, Shanghai) Shenglong Oil and Gas Pipeline Inspection Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hilong Group, recently won the bid for handling the water cycle test platform (including other inspection platforms) project from the Shandong Special Equipment Inspection Institute Group Co., Ltd. (SEI). This is the first time that Hilong Inspection has secured a design project for a large-scale water cycle test platform in China, which represents yet another breakthrough for the company's technical service business domestically.

This project will provide EPC services for the water cycle test platform that is attached to the second bid section of SEI's in-pipeline detector performance test and verification platform project. It will cover the overall design for the platform, equipment procurement and installation, and overall commissioning for the platform.

"Shenglong Inspection succeeded during the bidding process for this project because it stood out among many enterprises that boast professional technical solutions. This win indicates that the owner fully recognizes our technical service capabilities. At the same time, this project established that Shenglong Inspection's three major business segments, namely inspection, equipment and technical services, all go hand in hand, which lays a solid foundation for the steady development of Shenglong Inspection," said Zhao Xiaoguang, General Manager of Shenglong Inspection.

SEI is a robust provincial-level special equipment inspection institute in China. It serves as an impartial third-party social public welfare scientific research institution that is mainly engaged in statutory inspection of special equipment like boilers, pressure vessels, pressure pipes, elevators, hoisting machinery, amusement facilities, passenger ropeways and motor vehicles in the factory. It also is an authoritative inspection institution in the special equipment industry in Shandong Province.


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