

Hilong Oil Service and Engineering Co., Ltd. Awarded the Shell HSE Prize

Date 2015-06-18

 (June 18, 2015, Shanghai) The Nigeria Oil Service Company under Hilong is recently given the “Outstanding Safety Performance and Goal Zero Hero Award” in the Shell Annual HSE Awarding Ceremony in Lagos.

As a contractor to Shell Nigeria, Hilong is given this award for its excellent performance in safe operations and for being LTI free throughout the year in two 10000psi high temperature and high pressure drilling projects, and is the first to be invited to receive the award on the stage. At the same time, 250 drilling crew members are given a special prize from Shell for the “HL-19” drilling crew of Nigeria Oil Service under Hilong has achieved an LTE-Free record for 3 years in a row from 2012 to 2014.

Dai Daliang, Senior Vice President of Hilong and General Manager of Oil Service Business, says, “Hilong couldn’t have been given such an award without its perfect mastery of drilling technology and strict safety management. This will further enhance the popularity and influence of Hilong Oil Service and Engineering Co., Ltd. in the international drilling market, strengthening the foundation for deepening its development of the international high-end drilling market.”

Marcus Droll, Executive Vice President of Shell Africa, emphasized on the awarding ceremony that this HSE award was given to the contractors who make prominent contributions to the safety and efficiency of Shell. He said Shell will take advantage of this opportunity to draw close attention to safe production operations together with the drilling contractors, and to build up and reinforce the partnership.

36 senior executives of Shell attended the ceremony. Vice Executive President Marcus Droll delivered a brief report on safe operations and conferred the awards upon the contractors.

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