

Hilong Wins First Offshore Engineering Contract<br/>Successfully Marching into Offshore Engineering Field Fully Prepared For New Opportunities

Date 2014-11-18

November 18th, 2014, Shanghai——Hilong has recently signed a contract with CNOOC China Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, to provide offshore pipe-laying service for the Phase II of the Weizhou Project with Hilong’s offshore pipe-laying vessel “Hilong 106”. The total contract value is USD 29.83 million.


Hilong will lay seven undersea oil pipelines totaling 38.5 kilometers in length to link the production platforms of CNOOC in Weizhou, according to the EPC service contract which covers a series of services including the construction plans, project management and offshore construction.


The preliminary part of the project, which includes detailed construction plans, the required equipment and materials, and the selection of third-party service providers, will begin soon. The offshore construction work is expected to start in March 2015 and be completed in July of the same year.


“Hilong’s marching into the offshore engineering field represents our major strategic initiative to follow the development trends of the global energy industry and actively seek new growth impetus based on the industry advantages,” said Hilong Executive President Wang Tao. “Once again, winning this contract through public tender indicates that the market highly recognizes the technical specifications of ‘Hilong 106’as well as the qualifications and execution and management capabilities of the technical and management teams operating Hilong’s offshore engineering services business.”


He added, being awarded the contract marks Hilong’s successful debut in the offshore engineering field and will help “Hilong 106” acquire more high-profile contracts from high-end customers both at home and abroad in the future. Moreover, this has also laid a solid foundation for Hilong’s future expansion into other offshore engineering areas. Hilong is fully prepared for the opportunities in the upcoming new development era.

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