

Hilong Signs Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau

Date 2014-11-06

(November 6th, 2014, Shanghai) Hilong signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP) on October 27th in Langfang, Hebei Province. The agreement is expected to deepen the strategic partnership between both companies in a wide variety of fields.


According to the agreement, the two companies will expand cooperative efforts in areas including offshore engineering, pipeline crossing, anti-corrosive and pipe inspection. Senior management from both companies plan to maintain regular contact as part of the new partnership, with the goal of coordinating major tasks and objectives under the new agreement.


“Hilong has always striven to promote the integration of pipe technology and services, as well as the development of offshore engineering and service business,” said Hilong President Zhang Jun. “The signing of this strategic framework agreement between Hilong and CPP will be the catalyst for further improvements and expansion of cooperations on multiple levels and in a variety of fields. Moving forward, we will see significant development between the two companies in a wide range of industry specialties”.


Hilong President Zhang Jun and CPP Director Zhao Yujian both attended the signing ceremony. Both of them delivered speeches and spoke highly of the strategic partnership. Hilong Executive President Wang Tao and CPP Deputy Director Wang Weiguo signed the agreement.


About China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau is China’s only specialized company exclusively capable of providing “one-stop” service and “packaged” solutions for business needs including survey and design, consulting, supervision, construction, procurement, commissioning, as well as operations, protective escort, maintenance, and emergency repairs of pipelines. It is China’s largest petroleum storage and shipping facility construction engineering company, and is in possession of abundant pipeline engineering achievements and experience both domestically and internationally.



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